Notes from the Director of The Metro Show

Form + Function

On the long list of items at the fair to covet: a Hartford County Connecticut blown glass pitcher in a beautiful shade of medium emerald green presented by Jeff and Holly Noordsy, the fair's glass experts.    More

Paintings and Prints at Dolan/Maxwell

In this Year of the Protester, Dox Thrash’s watercolor from 1940 depicting striking union workers seems very of-the-moment–although his style immediately dates it as WPA era. Thrash worked on the Federal Art Project from 1936-1939 and during this time invented a printmaking technique known as carborundum mezzotint, which uses a carbon-based abrasive to burnish copper plates. His greatest works depicting the struggles and daily lives of 20th century African-Americans were created using this process.   More

More is More

Michael Eastman - Barry Friedman Ltd.This photograph by Michael Eastman of a Havana interior (Barry Friedman Ltd) is just as one might imagine this decaying, magical place - saturated colors amidst faded opulence or, more poetically put (from a gallery description), “where triumphant past and vanquished present collide.” Eastman’s long-awaited, recently published book Havana documents the city over the past two decades.    More

In the Beginning - a mask, a dog, a table

This is the first post for Red Writing, the official blog for The Metro Show. I’ll be writing about interesting and historic items that you’ll be able to see for yourself, come January at the fair. Feel free to comment or ask questions. We welcome all feedback!   More

2 pm  8th Floor Dialogues 
The Unknown Artist
In this illustrated presentation, John Foster discusses the .. More 

2 pm  8th Floor Dialogues 
The Unknown Artist
In this illustrated presentation, John Foster discusses the .. More 

The name "Larsen" is synonymous with 20th century textiles. Ever since Jack Lenor Larsen, Inc. was established in 1952, the influence of its innovative, farseeing founder has permeated the field of interior design. Ranging from filmy casement cloths to plush upholstery, from the formal geometry of complex doubleweave to the freshness of colorful organic prints, Larsen textiles have enhanced walls and floors of large company headquarters, educational institutions, jet planes, and private homes.