On the long list of items at the fair to covet: a Hartford County Connecticut blown glass pitcher in a beautiful shade of medium emerald green presented by Jeff and Holly Noordsy, the fair's glass experts. More
Notes from the Director of The Metro Show
Form + Function
Paintings and Prints at Dolan/Maxwell
In this Year of the Protester, Dox Thrash’s watercolor from 1940 depicting striking union workers seems very of-the-moment–although his style immediately dates it as WPA era. Thrash worked on the Federal Art Project from 1936-1939 and during this time invented a printmaking technique known as carborundum mezzotint, which uses a carbon-based abrasive to burnish copper plates. His greatest works depicting the struggles and daily lives of 20th century African-Americans were created using this process. More
Lafayette's George Washington button
Each booth at The Metro Show will offer an array of works – both beautiful and interesting (or both) and some with a fascinating history. Steven S. Powers (Booth #111) will offer a rare and extraordinary object: Lafayette’s lost again/found again commemorative George Washington button. Here’s how the story goes: More
Marvelous Machines
I’ve been thinking lately about throwing my watch away. (or, greener: “upcycling” it into something more interesting!) In an era when you have to have your cell phone with you ALL the time, why bother duplicating a timepiece? I am convinced a better direction is to invest in a more stately and beautiful time-keeper with real presence such as the grandfather or tall case clocks offered by Gary R. Sullivan (booth 200). These clocks were produced “without benefit of power machinery or even proper lighting”. And – speaking of green – they just need to be wound once a week and gravity makes sure you’re punctual (or at least aware of how late you are). They are, indeed, “marvelous machines.” More
Cross Cultural Pollination
A collection of rarely-seen turn-of-the-century hand-printed woodblock prints by Japanese artist Korin Furuya (1875-1910) will be on view at Yukiko Koide Presents (booth 202). These beautiful prints reflect the Art Nouveau era’s idealized concept of harmony with the natural environment – in particular the more still examples with abstracted plant forms. More